
ALOD Provide Automated Logistic Services on Demand.

Our aim is to provide, lead services in the field of express shipping and 3rd party logistical operational services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) countries.

Alod understands what it takes to succeed in the rapidly changing digital world we operate in today. That’s why our positioning, predictive and machine learning technologies are so uniquely equipped to meet the transport and shipping on demand.

ALOD Provide Automated Logistic Services on Demand. ALOD Provide Automated Logistic Services on Demand.
Agility, flexibility, reliability and service customization are part of the Alod DNA. Joining the Alod logistics family ensures a seamless brand experience throughout the customer journey. Your brand is our brand. Your customer is our customer. Alod has you covered for all of your domestic or cross border shipments. Pickup, delivery and return services. Fast, efficient and customer-focused.
ALOD Provide Automated Logistic Services on Demand. ALOD Provide Automated Logistic Services on Demand.

ALOD is Paving a New Path in The Logistics Industry.

Alod is a tech-enabled last mile logistics platform that connects shipping agencies and vehicle owners with businesses and individual customers to provide on-demand delivery, moving and handling services. Alod provide fast, reliable and low cost on demand last mile delivery, middle mile delivery & moving services.

As an economic empowerment platform, Alod enables thousands of entrepreneurs to manage their businesses delivery and provide critical delivery services to regional markets. Our digitised logistic model includes mobile and web apps used to create seamless delivery and moving experiences.

ALOD Provide Automated Logistic Services on Demand. ALOD Provide Automated Logistic Services on Demand.

Our aim is to serve each and every one of our clients with a good, dependable experience while providingoutstanding value in the marketplace and raising the bar for professionalism in the logistic solutions we provide.


Our goal is to become an important partner to our clients by assisting them in achieving and maintaining long-term competitive advantages. In addition to our skillfully planned and dependable logistics solutions, our customers can be confident that every contact will be guided by our fundamental values of honesty and respect