
Start Your Journey

Membership is free for 3 months
On The House
Basic Feature
  • Allowed UsersOnly 1 User
  • Allowed BookingsLimited Booking
  • Print AWBsSingle AWB
  • COD TransferMonthly
  • Alod Carrier App
  • Integrated Marketplaces
  • Affordable Insurance
  • Dynamic Shipping Rates
  • Shipping Calculator
  • Unlimited Integrated Logistics Providers
  • Real-Time Shipment Tracking
  • Reverse Pickup
  • Carrier Schedules Access
Advance Feature
  • Pickup LocationsLimited Pickup Locations
  • International DeliveryInternational Delivery In GCC Countries
  • Same Day Delivery
  • Pallet Express Import Export
  • Carrier Discounted Rates LCL FCL
  • Upto 500 Rate Searches
  • Freight Import Export Rates
  • Global Fulfillment Work
Integration & Customization
  • Automated SMS Configuration
  • API Integration Access
Reports & Analytics
  • Analytics Dashboard
  • COD Reports
  • Performance Report
  • OFD Report Alod Carrier
  • Pickup Delivery Report
  • Shipment Status Report
  • Custom Reports And Analytics
Support & Education
  • Account ManagerSupervising Account Manager
  • Support & EducationBasic Support Education
  • Customer Support Chat Bot
  • Language Preferences
  • Knowledge Base And Training Materials
  • Regular Updates And Enhancements
Read more +
E-Commerce & start ups


  50 /month


  600 /year
Basic Feature
  • Allowed UsersUnlimited User
  • Allowed BookingsUnlimited Prepaid & COD Shipments
  • Print AWBsMultiple AWBs
  • COD TransferWeekly
  • Alod Carrier App
  • Integrated Marketplaces
  • Affordable Insurance
  • Dynamic Shipping Rates
  • Shipping Calculator
  • Unlimited Integrated Logistics Providers
  • Real-Time Shipment Tracking
  • Reverse Pickup
  • Carrier Schedules Access
Advance Feature
  • Pickup LocationsMultiple Pickup Locations
  • International DeliveryInternational Delivery In More Than 230 Countries
  • Same Day Delivery
  • Pallet Express Import Export
  • Carrier Discounted Rates LCL FCL
  • Upto 500 Rate Searches
  • Freight Import Export Rates
  • Global Fulfillment Work
Integration & Customization
  • Automated SMS Configuration
  • API Integration Access
Reports & Analytics
  • Analytics Dashboard
  • COD Reports
  • Performance Report
  • OFD Report Alod Carrier
  • Pickup Delivery Report
  • Shipment Status Report
  • Custom Reports And Analytics
Support & Education
  • Account ManagerDedicated Account Manager
  • Support & EducationAdvanced Support Education
  • Customer Support Chat Bot
  • Language Preferences
  • Knowledge Base And Training Materials
  • Regular Updates And Enhancements
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Corporate & marketplaces


  132 /month


  1600 /year
Basic Feature
  • Allowed UsersUnlimited User
  • Allowed BookingsUnlimited Prepaid & COD Shipments
  • Print AWBsMultiple AWBs
  • COD TransferDaily
  • Alod Carrier App
  • Integrated Marketplaces
  • Affordable Insurance
  • Dynamic Shipping Rates
  • Shipping Calculator
  • Unlimited Integrated Logistics Providers
  • Real-Time Shipment Tracking
  • Reverse Pickup
  • Carrier Schedules Access
Advance Feature
  • Pickup LocationsMultiple Pickup Locations
  • International DeliveryInternational Delivery In More Than 230 Countries
  • Same Day Delivery
  • Pallet Express Import Export
  • Carrier Discounted Rates LCL FCL
  • Upto 500 Rate Searches
  • Freight Import Export Rates
  • Global Fulfillment Work
Integration & Customization
  • Automated SMS Configuration
  • API Integration Access
Reports & Analytics
  • Analytics Dashboard
  • COD Reports
  • Performance Report
  • OFD Report Alod Carrier
  • Pickup Delivery Report
  • Shipment Status Report
  • Custom Reports And Analytics
Support & Education
  • Account ManagerDedicated Account Manager
  • Support & EducationAdvanced Support Education
  • Customer Support Chat Bot
  • Language Preferences
  • Knowledge Base And Training Materials
  • Regular Updates And Enhancements
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Why to Choose Alod?

  • On demand last mile delivery
    Cost Savings Save more with our subscription plans compared to one-time bookings.
  • On demand last mile delivery
    Streamlined Operations Ensure consistent container availability for your business.
  • On demand last mile delivery
    Personalized Service Tailored solutions to match your specific logistics requirements.
  • On demand last mile delivery
    Exclusive Discounts Enjoy special discounts on various logistics services.

How It Works

  • On demand last mile delivery
    Choose Your Plan Select the subscription plan that aligns with your business needs.
  • On demand last mile delivery
    Subscribe Fill in the necessary details and subscribe securely through our website.
  • On demand last mile delivery
    Access Your Containers Once subscribed, enjoy hassle-free access to our container services.

For contact please fill below details we will contact you shortly